===== Benchmarks (OLD) ===== See CIG website for [[http://geodynamics.org/cig/working-groups/short-term-crustal-dynamics/benchmarks/old | Overview]] Input and misc files for Benchmarks. ==== Crustal Dynamics - Community Block Model ==== Meshing for Geological Applications -- Grid Projects -- Los Alamos National Laboratory === LANL Crustal Deformation Workshop 2003 === LaGriT Mesh Generation of the LA Basin GOCAD Microblock Model (PDF) // upload file // === LANL Workshop 2004 Image Gallery === // upload file // === Some Issues with CBM Corners -- Image Gallery === // upload file // === Some Issues with CBM Topology -- Image Gallery === // upload file // ==== LaGrit Examples ==== === Example 1: Intersect Two 3D Tet Meshes, Refine Volume of Intersection, Remove Intersecting Tets === // upload file // === Example 2: Hexahedra to 5, 6 or 24 Tetrahedra=== // upload file // === Example 3: Intersect Two Surfaces, Make Hole in Surface Defined by Intersection=== // upload file // === Example 4: Intersect Two Surfaces, Extract Line Object Defined by Surface Intersections=== // upload file // === Example 5: Triangulate a Polygon, Use refine, smooth to Change Mesh Size and Quality=== // upload file // === Example 6: Compute Median Point of Tri, Quad, Hex, Tet and Color By Median Value=== // upload file // === Example 7: Triangulate Multiple Polygons and Modify Triangle Size With massage to Refine, Derefine and Smooth === // upload file // === Example 8: Create a Triangulation With a Degenerate Internal Edge Which Creates a Non-Matching Triangulation=== // upload file // === Example 9: Connect a Tet Mesh to a Hex Mesh Using Pyramid Elements=== // upload file // === Example 10: Use PSETS and set Z(x,y) Surface To Max[Z(x,y)] of Two Surfaces === // upload file //