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cider18 [2018/07/17 22:16] (current)
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 If your host machine is any linux system, both ''​virtualbox''​ and ''​virtualbox-dkms''​ packages must be installed. Also check to make sure you have exFAT filesystem drivers. Windows and Mac systems should have it by default. On Ubuntu, the packages required are ''​exfat-utils''​ and ''​exfat-fuse''​. If your host machine is any linux system, both ''​virtualbox''​ and ''​virtualbox-dkms''​ packages must be installed. Also check to make sure you have exFAT filesystem drivers. Windows and Mac systems should have it by default. On Ubuntu, the packages required are ''​exfat-utils''​ and ''​exfat-fuse''​.
-We recommended that your computer has at least 20 to 30 GB of free disk space and preferably 8 GB of RAM.+We recommended that your computer has at least 20 to 30 GB of free disk space and preferably 8 GB of RAM. If your computer has less RAM check the ''​Troubleshooting''​ section ​ for how to reduce the memory allocation of the virtual machine.
 === Tutorial Image === === Tutorial Image ===
-During ​registration, you will receive a 16 GB USB drive with an OVA file called "​CIDER2018.ova"​ and the installation files for VirtualBox. This image contains the software for all CIDER tutorials. Copy it onto the laptop you are going to use for the tutorial.+During ​the first tutorial session, you will receive a 16 GB USB drive with an OVA file called "​CIDER2018.ova"​ and the installation files for VirtualBox. This image contains the software for all CIDER tutorials. Copy it onto the laptop you are going to use for the tutorial.
 Alternatively,​ you can also download the virtual machine frome here: [[ https://​​cig/​static/​CIDER2018.ova|CIDER2018 Virtual Machine]]. Note that this file is over 5GB in size and will take a long time to download (it is //not// recommended to do this during the tutorial as the Wifi will be unable to provide sufficient speed for multiple simultaneous downloads). Alternatively,​ you can also download the virtual machine frome here: [[ https://​​cig/​static/​CIDER2018.ova|CIDER2018 Virtual Machine]]. Note that this file is over 5GB in size and will take a long time to download (it is //not// recommended to do this during the tutorial as the Wifi will be unable to provide sufficient speed for multiple simultaneous downloads).
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 Now simply start the CIDER2018 virtual machine and log into the user required for your current tutorial. Now simply start the CIDER2018 virtual machine and log into the user required for your current tutorial.
 +=== Setting up a shared folder between host and guest operating system ===
 +Some of the tutorials need to transfer data between the virtual machine and your host operating system. In order to allow this you will need to create a new folder on your laptop. Give it a name (e.g. '​share'​) and open the settings of the CIDER2018 virtual machine. Go to the '​Shared Folders tab' and add the newly created folder as a shared folder by clicking on the green plus and selecting your newly created folder (do *not* select the read-only option in the dialog that opens). ​
 +Take note of the folder name that VirtualBox assigns to this shared folder (most likely '​share'​). If everything worked your settings tab should look like this:
 +Now click '​Ok'​ to save the settings and start your virtual machine. To mount the shared folder inside the virtual machine as any user open a terminal as explained above and use the following commands:
 +''​mkdir shared_folder''​ \\ (only necessary a single time per user account)
 +''​su cideradmin''​ \\ (when asked for the password type ''​cideradmin''​)
 +''​sudo mount -t vboxsf -o rw share shared_folder/''​ \\ (when asked for the password type ''​cideradmin''​)
 +Now you should have a new directory in your home directory called ''​shared_folder''​ and every file you copy into this folder will appear on your host operating system in the folder ''​share''​ that you created at the beginning of this subsection. You will need to repeat this process (except for the first step) every time you restart the virtual machine, thus test it now once, but only repeat it when necessary for your tutorial.
 === Troubleshooting === === Troubleshooting ===
   * On some laptops the hardware feature that allows virtual machines to work efficiently (Intel VT-x) is disabled. If while importing or starting the VM you get error messages like 'This host supports Intel VT-x, but Intel VT-x is disabled'​ then reboot your computer, enter the BIOS settings, and make sure the '​VT-x'​ setting is set to '​Enabled'​. As the setting can be called slightly differently for different laptops, please let us know if you need help with this problem.   * On some laptops the hardware feature that allows virtual machines to work efficiently (Intel VT-x) is disabled. If while importing or starting the VM you get error messages like 'This host supports Intel VT-x, but Intel VT-x is disabled'​ then reboot your computer, enter the BIOS settings, and make sure the '​VT-x'​ setting is set to '​Enabled'​. As the setting can be called slightly differently for different laptops, please let us know if you need help with this problem.
   * The virtual machine by default allocates 2 CPU cores and 4 GB of RAM. If your laptop has less than 8 GB of RAM or less than 4 CPU cores, you might want to reduce these numbers (e.g. to 1 CPU core and 2 GB of RAM). You can do so by right-clicking on the CIDER2018 virtual machine icon in VirtualBox, and then go to the ''​Systems''​ tab. The amount of RAM can be set in the ''​Motherboard''​ panel, and the number of CPU cores can be set in the ''​processor''​ panel. You will have to shutdown the virtual machine in order to change these settings.   * The virtual machine by default allocates 2 CPU cores and 4 GB of RAM. If your laptop has less than 8 GB of RAM or less than 4 CPU cores, you might want to reduce these numbers (e.g. to 1 CPU core and 2 GB of RAM). You can do so by right-clicking on the CIDER2018 virtual machine icon in VirtualBox, and then go to the ''​Systems''​ tab. The amount of RAM can be set in the ''​Motherboard''​ panel, and the number of CPU cores can be set in the ''​processor''​ panel. You will have to shutdown the virtual machine in order to change these settings.
 +  * On some laptops the shared folder will not allow writing into the shared folder inside of the virtual machine. This can be circumvented by becoming the superuser inside of the virtual machine. To move an example file called '​test'​ into a shared folder named '​shared_folder'​ you will have to use the following commands:
 +    * ''​su cideradmin''​ \\ (when asked for the password type ''​cideradmin''​)
 +    * ''​sudo mv test shared_folder/''​ \\ (when asked for the password type ''​cideradmin''​)
 +    * ''​exit''​
 === Additional Links and Information ​ === === Additional Links and Information ​ ===
   * [[https://​​wiki/​Downloads|VirtualBox downloads]]   * [[https://​​wiki/​Downloads|VirtualBox downloads]]
   * [[ https://​​cig/​static/​CIDER2018.ova|CIDER2018 Virtual Machine]]   * [[ https://​​cig/​static/​CIDER2018.ova|CIDER2018 Virtual Machine]]
 +  * [[https://​​_media/​software:​aspect:​rene_gassmoeller_tutorial_cider2018.pdf|ASPECT tutorial slides]]
 +  * [[https://​​ELoFgxBrDyU|ASPECT tutorial recording]]
cider18.1530911314.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/07/06 21:08 by gassmoeller