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xsede:2019 [2019/09/13 19:35]
hrmatsui created
xsede:2019 [2019/09/13 19:38] (current)
Line 2: Line 2:
-   * Main Document: {{:XSEDE:Application_for_Oct2019.pdf}} +   * Main Document: {{:XSEDE:XSEDE_CIG_2019OCT_Application.pdf}} 
-   * Progress Report: {{:XSEDE:Progress_report_Oct2019.pdf}} +   * Progress Report: {{:XSEDE:XSEDE_CIG_2019OCT_Progress_Report.pdf}} 
-   * Code Scaling: {{:XSEDE:Code_Scaling_for_Oct2019.pdf}} +   * Code Scaling: {{:XSEDE:XSEDE_CIG_2019OCT_Scaling.pdf}} 
-   * Publication List: {{:XSEDE:Publication_list_CIG_for_Oct2019.pdf}}+   * Publication List: {{:XSEDE:XSEDE_CIG_2019OCT_publication_list.pdf}} 
 +   * References: {{:​XSEDE:​XSEDE_CIG_2019OCT_References.pdf}}
 Materials (TeX source and Figures): {{:​XSEDE:​XSEDE_CIG2019.tar.gz}} Materials (TeX source and Figures): {{:​XSEDE:​XSEDE_CIG2019.tar.gz}}
 [[:​XSEDE|Back to XSEDE applicatios]] [[:​XSEDE|Back to XSEDE applicatios]]
xsede/2019.1568403337.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/13 19:35 by hrmatsui