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software:pylith:cdm2017 [2017/06/27 17:40]
baagaard [PyLith v3.0]
software:pylith:cdm2017 [2017/07/07 16:52] (current)
baagaard [3-D Subduction Zone: Static Green's Functions]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== 2017 Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial ====== ====== 2017 Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial ======
 +===== June 26-30, 2017 =====
-===== June 26-30, 2016 ===== 
 This tutorial will focus on providing training in the use of the CIG PyLith software for quasi-static modeling of crustal deformation,​ with an emphasis on interseismic,​ coseismic, and postseismic deformation. The training will also include instruction in CUBIT/​Trelis for creating finite-element meshes as input for PyLith and visualizing PyLith output using Paraview. This tutorial will focus on providing training in the use of the CIG PyLith software for quasi-static modeling of crustal deformation,​ with an emphasis on interseismic,​ coseismic, and postseismic deformation. The training will also include instruction in CUBIT/​Trelis for creating finite-element meshes as input for PyLith and visualizing PyLith output using Paraview.
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 ==== PyLith, CUBIT/​Trelis,​ and Paraview Refresher ==== ==== PyLith, CUBIT/​Trelis,​ and Paraview Refresher ====
-^ Time ^ Title ^ Links to videos ​+^ Time ^ Title ^ Video 
-| 8:00am - 8:15am | **Introduction and overview of tutorials** ​  ​({{[[:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_introduction.pdf]]|slides}}) | N/A +| 8:00am - 8:15am | **Introduction and overview of tutorials** ​  ​({{[[:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_introduction.pdf]]|slides}}) |  
-| 8:15am - 9:00am | **PyLith Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_refresher.pdf|slides}}) | [[​v=XXXXXX|YouTube]] ​ ​{{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_refresher.mp4|MP4}} ​|+| 8:15am - 9:00am | **PyLith Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_refresher.pdf|slides}}) | [[|YouTube]] |
 ==== Meshing with Complex Geometry ==== ==== Meshing with Complex Geometry ====
Line 36: Line 36:
 {{:​software:​pylith:​examples:​files:​subduction3d:​|Zip file}} with Exodus-II file of generated mesh for those without CUBIT/​Trelis. {{:​software:​pylith:​examples:​files:​subduction3d:​|Zip file}} with Exodus-II file of generated mesh for those without CUBIT/​Trelis.
-^ Time ^ Title ^ Links to videos ​+^ Time ^ Title ^ Video 
-| 9:00am - 10:30am | **Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_meshing.pdf|slides}}) | [[​v=XXXXXX|YouTube]] ​ {{:software:pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_meshinf_overview.mp4|MP4}} |+| 9:00am - 10:30am | **Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_meshing.pdf|slides}}) | [[​whJbAtRHkCY|YouTube]] | 
 +| | **Geometry** | [[https://​|YouTube]] ​
 +| | **Meshing** | [[https://​​7vaN1zXYZdY|YouTube]] | 
 +| | **Boundary Conditions** | [[​sE4gUZvKix4|YouTube]] ​|
 ==== 3-D Subduction Zone: Prescribed Fault Slip ==== ==== 3-D Subduction Zone: Prescribed Fault Slip ====
-({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pyLithtutorial_prescribedslip.pdf|slides}}) +^ Time ^ Title ^ Video 
- +| 1:00pm - 2:30pm | **Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pyLithtutorial_prescribedslip.pdf|slides}}) | 
-^ Time ^ Title ^ Links to videos ​+|  | **Step ​2** | [[https://​​WAlEmigCRGU|YouTube]] | 
-| 1:00pm - 2:30pm | **Step 2** | [[https://​​hJEuh6Xr4WI|YouTube N/A]] {{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_prescribedslip_step02.mp4|MP4}} | +|  | **Step 4** | [[https://​​EeHQwiOXHb8|YouTube]] |
-|  | **Step ​3** | [[https://​​hJEuh6Xr4WI|YouTube ​N/A]] {{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_prescribedslip_step03.mp4|MP4}} ​+
-|  | **Step 4** | [[https://​​hJEuh6Xr4WI|YouTube ​N/A]] {{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_prescribedslip_step04.mp4|MP4}} ​|+
 ==== Troubleshooting PyLith Simulations ==== ==== Troubleshooting PyLith Simulations ====
-^ Time ^ Title ^ Links to videos ​+^ Time ^ Title ^ Video 
-| 4:30pm - 5:30pm | **Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_troubleshooting.pdf|slides}}) | [[https://​​hJEuh6Xr4WI|YouTube ​N/A]] {{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_troubleshooting_overview.mp4|MP4}} ​+| 4:30pm - 5:30pm | **Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_troubleshooting.pdf|slides}}) | [[https://​​yASi0kKb4BY|YouTube]] | 
-|  | **Step 1** | [[https://​​hJEuh6Xr4WI|YouTube ​N/A]] {{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_troubleshooting_step01.mp4|MP4}} ​+|  | **Step 1** | [[https://​​ClhXwHQMi2M|YouTube]] | 
-|  | **Step 2** | [[https://​​hJEuh6Xr4WI|YouTube ​N/A]] {{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_troubleshooting_step02.mp4|MP4}} ​|+|  | **Step 2** | [[https://​​hMICIe0PYNU|YouTube]] |
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 ==== 2-D Subduction Zone: Fault Friction ==== ==== 2-D Subduction Zone: Fault Friction ====
-^ Time ^ Title ^ Links to videos ​+^ Time ^ Title ^ Video 
-| 8:00am - 9:30am | **Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_friction.pdf|slides}}) | [[https://​​InN6JA4kNMA|YouTube ​N/A]] {{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_friction_overview.mp4|MP4}} ​|  +| 8:00am - 9:30am | **Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_friction.pdf|slides}}) | [[https://​​Bqfm-cnRf3U|YouTube]] |  
-|  | **Step05** | [[https://​​WTsn7-SHYBo|YouTube]] ​{{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_friction_step05.mp4|MP4}} ​|  +|  | **Step05** | [[https://​​myZjNbONSSE|YouTube]] |  
-|  | **Step06** | [[https://​​byqMSHCQ9-0|YouTube]] ​{{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_friction_step06.mp4|MP4}} ​+|  | **Step06** | [[https://​​u6H4TQimRao|YouTube]] | 
 ==== 3-D Subduction Zone: Static Green'​s Functions ==== ==== 3-D Subduction Zone: Static Green'​s Functions ====
-^ Time ^ Title ^ Links to videos ​ ^ +^ Time ^ Title ^ Video  ^ 
-| 9:45am - 11:00am | **Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_greensfns.pdf|slides}}) | [[https://​​lZW4nPD_xuU?​list=PLdy04DoEepEykQjuvgGCcsB-Rliozz78H|YouTube]] ​{{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_greensfns_overview.mp4|MP4}} ​+| 9:45am - 11:00am | **Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_greensfns.pdf|slides}}) | [[https://​​BvAvJXGnvDc|YouTube]] | 
-|  | **Step 6** | [[https://​​dD7FH1Xex-I?​list=PLdy04DoEepEykQjuvgGCcsB-Rliozz78H|YouTube]] ​{{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_greensfns_step06.mp4|MP4}} ​+|  | **Step 6** | [[https://​​tVjgJZfLB-Y|YouTube]] | 
-|  | **Step 7** | [[https://​​dD7FH1Xex-I?​list=PLdy04DoEepEykQjuvgGCcsB-Rliozz78H|YouTube]] ​{{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_greensfns_step07.mp4|MP4}} ​|+|  | **Step 7** | [[https://​​fmWlWvhPQZk|YouTube]] |
 ==== 3-D Subduction Zone: Gravitational Body Forces ==== ==== 3-D Subduction Zone: Gravitational Body Forces ====
-^ Time ^ Title ^ Links to videos ​ ^ +^ Time ^ Title ^ Video  ^ 
-| 1:00pm - 2:00pm | **Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_gravity.pdf|slides}}) | [[https://​​lZW4nPD_xuU?​list=PLdy04DoEepEykQjuvgGCcsB-Rliozz78H|YouTube]] ​{{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_gravity_overview.mp4|MP4}} ​+| 1:00pm - 2:00pm | **Overview** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_gravity.pdf|slides}}) | [[https://​​7XxI8ALIHm0|YouTube]] | 
-|  | **Step 8a** | [[https://​​dD7FH1Xex-I?​list=PLdy04DoEepEykQjuvgGCcsB-Rliozz78H|YouTube]] ​{{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_gravity_step08a.mp4|MP4}} | +|  | **Step 8a,b,c** | [[https://​​mOjB7WsFg3I|YouTube]] |
-|  | **Step 8b** | [[https://​​dD7FH1Xex-I?​list=PLdy04DoEepEykQjuvgGCcsB-Rliozz78H|YouTube]] {{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_gravity_step08b.mp4|MP4}} | +
-|  | **Step 8c** | [[https://​​dD7FH1Xex-I?​list=PLdy04DoEepEykQjuvgGCcsB-Rliozz78H|YouTube]] {{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_gravity_step08c.mp4|MP4}} | +
 ==== PyLith v3.0 ==== ==== PyLith v3.0 ====
-^ Time ^ Title ^ Links to videos  ​+^ Time ^ Title ^ 
-| 4:30pm - 5:30pm | **PyLith v3.0** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_pylithv3.pdf|slides}}) ​| [[https://​​lZW4nPD_xuU?​list=PLdy04DoEepEykQjuvgGCcsB-Rliozz78H|YouTube]] {{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_pylithv3.mp4|MP4}} ​|+| 4:30pm - 5:30pm | **PyLith v3.0** ({{:​software:​pylith:​tutorials:​cdm2017:​pylithtutorial_pylithv3.pdf|slides}}) |
software/pylith/cdm2017.1498585227.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/27 17:40 by baagaard