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2017 Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial

June 26-30, 2016

This tutorial will focus on providing training in the use of the CIG PyLith software for quasi-static modeling of crustal deformation, with an emphasis on interseismic, coseismic, and postseismic deformation. The training will also include instruction in CUBIT/Trelis for creating finite-element meshes as input for PyLith and visualizing PyLith output using Paraview.

Instructors: Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley

Getting Started

  1. Download PyLith v2.2.1rc1 from
  2. Create a play area to modify the examples
  mkdir playpen
  cp -r src/pylith-2.2.1rc1/examples playpen/

Monday June 26, 2017

PyLith, CUBIT/Trelis, and Paraview Refresher

Time Title Links to videos
8:00am - 8:15am Introduction and overview of tutorials (slides) N/A
8:15am - 9:00am PyLith Overview (slides) YouTube

Meshing with Complex Geometry

Zip file with Exodus-II file of generated mesh for those without CUBIT/Trelis.

Time Title Links to videos
9:00am - 10:30am Overview (slides) YouTube

3-D Subduction Zone: Prescribed Fault Slip


Time Title Links to videos
1:00pm - 2:30pm Step 2 YouTube N/A
Step 3 YouTube N/A
Step 4 YouTube N/A

Troubleshooting PyLith Simulations

Time Title Links to videos
4:30pm - 5:30pm Overview (slides) YouTube N/A
Step 1 YouTube N/A
Step 2 YouTube N/A

Tuesday June 27, 2017

2-D Subduction Zone: Fault Friction

Time Title Links to videos
8:00am - 9:30am Overview (slides) YouTube N/A
Step05 YouTube
Step06 YouTube

3-D Subduction Zone: Static Green's Functions

Time Title Links to videos
9:45am - 11:00am Overview (slides) YouTube
Step 6 YouTube
Step 7 YouTube

3-D Subduction Zone: Gravitational Body Forces

Time Title Links to videos
1:00pm - 2:00pm Overview (slides) YouTube
Step 8a YouTube
Step 8b YouTube
Step 8c YouTube

PyLith v3.0

Time Title Links to videos
4:30pm - 5:30pm PyLith v3.0 (slides) YouTube
software/pylith/cdm2017.1498585227.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/27 17:40 by baagaard