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 [[http://​​cig/​software/​pythia|Pythia Software Page]] [[http://​​cig/​software/​pythia|Pythia Software Page]]
 +===== Meeting Notes June 5, 2006 =====
 +Attendees: Michael Aivazis, Luis Armendariz, Patrick Hung, Mike McKerns, Leif Strand
 +summary of last week:
 +set meeting time
 +discussed parts of pyre to keep
 +components, framework, inventory
 +discuss the design issues for pyre
 +map people to the work
 +What are the issues?:
 +Application support --Leif
 +databases -- Luis
 +non-trivial UI (web & gui) -- Patrick
 +distributed computing --Mike
 +documentation --Cassie, Michael, everyone
 +PH> Documentation is going to be wiki style?
 +MA> I envisioned a pair of O'​Reilly-style books. Pyre has always lacked a good structure for documentation. I thought we'd use docbook, but maybe that's not the case. Most projects use teX.
 +Application support:
 +what is it? [thing to allow easy way to have things talk to each other]
 +what does it need to function? [what do I provide to make it work correctly]
 +what is it's enviroment (i.e. interactions with other code)
 +        / Property
 +  Trait \ Facility
 +  Inventory, Registry
 +  Curator
 +   ...
 +We need a map of classes under component & the classes that derive from them. We need a map of the descendants of component & how they interact.
 +MA> Lief, any additions at the top-level?
 +LS> I don't see anything further right now at the top level.
 +MM> What about bootstrapping of components when you are constructing apps?
 +MA> You mean how you wake up components? ​ The class below Script assumes a normalized way that components wake up.  You should also be able to do something weird. ​ Can all of these weird things be done in the current implementation? ​ I don't know.  In many cases, I'll start something that does this bootstrapping,​ however the design has always been wrong. ​ I can use subclasses in every case I've come across so far.
 +MM> I'd maybe use bootstrapping for GUI/web usage and distributed components.
 +MA> Ok, that's a good possibility. ​ I currently write a configuration file for a proxy to tell it where the thing lives. ​ Maybe this is not the best?
 +LS> What about nested components?
 +MA> To me a component is a box. What's inside is not my problem. Inside you could have other components that you are managing.
 +LS> What I want is lookup. I want to have a component lookup a scratch directory, or a clock cycle... instead of having to wire it into all of the components that I write, I want a global lookup.
 +MA> There is this association between component and inventory that is too tight... but let's neglect that right now. There is, in pyre, support to say "​I'​m not the keeper of a property"​... There is something called a "​delagate",​ that when the property is set to None, [...MISSED...] then a runtime instance [...MISSED...] A nested inventory delegate is a subset of this. It was being used in 0.7, I don't know if it is used in 0.8 -- someone will have to check. We need to talk to about freeing components from the inventory. It may be a trivial change. ​ Just by saying "​self.inventory",​ this forces us to have a single inventory... we need to move from this. Anything else?
 +MM> What about using .odb files from more than one package?
 +MA> Yes, odb is also something to talk about. I don't know if it came from a conversation with you or otherwise, but I've recently made a change that allows .odb files to associate with more than one component, and be used with n-components instead.
 +PH> Is there a central page where all documentation can be found?
 +MA> No, there is a lot of it, but it is scattered between DANSE, CIG, the pyre page, and elsewhere. ​ There are also talks, tutorials, and a bunch of examples.
 +MM> I've been compiling talks, notes, tutorials, and have started a repository for a pyre user manual. ​ There'​s not much to the manual so far, but some notes on the desired content we discussed a few months ago.
 +PH> I'd like to see this documentation for pyre done.  There are some things like traits that I'm not so familiar with.  What do you suggest to remedy this?
 +MA> At these meetings, maybe we get cassie to take notes. Then I can go through use of the critical pieces of pyre and how it was intended to be used.  We will delegate all of the other items (UI, database, distributed,​ application) to the back for now. Anyway, if we can do the distributed computing, it solves all of these problems. ​ It is so complex, that we should be able to use the solution to do all of the other things like databases and UIs.
 +PH> Doesn'​t Twisted do a lot of these things?
 +MA> Yes, we should steal a good bit of their code, but it is not enough. I also have a simple implementation in pyre, but it is not enough. [...MISSED...]
 +MM> It's the same story, but as soon as you have three parties, things become difficult.
 +MA> Let's talk about databases...
 +- object store on top of RDBMS
 +mapping ==> ​    ​handle to object is row in table
 +and attributes are columns in table
 +data object model (dom)
 +set of objects that are representable in the DB
 +all of the things that inventory types have, these should have
 +(when I put this into pyre, I cut and pasted from inventory)
 +inventories are never needed to be blank, but here this is needed
 +operations on the container object
 +ask the manager of the table to get the information that is requested
 +We need to... Look at the design, build the DOM. Take apart the low level bindings to the developer libdevXXX (XXX = mysql, ...) and see what is useable.
 +mysql, postgressql,​ and etc are using tuples... this is crap. We need to use a DOM.  To not produce brittle code, the only way to make the code maintainable is to use a DOM.  I mean, if you add an extra row to a table and you are using tuples, all of your code breaks... how foolish is that?  A DOM does not have this problem.
 +easy event driven support
 +- initial intent for pyre was for asynchronous event driven support
 +GUI, web
 +- forms for user interactions
 +. collect properties ​ (user -> server)
 +. configure components (server -> components)
 +. invoke actions
 +- opal = for the web we have a working web example (also uses a database)
 +- blade = older, built to construct GUI in backend independent way
 +Opal works by building structure document [...MISSED...]
 +short term: enthought.ui & enthought.traits
 + built on traits & wxWindows
 +their traits is our inventory
 +MA> It works by generating dialouge boxes to take information that will be used to construct the GUI, then setting the properties.
 +I think that looking at enthought would be the first thing to do. Can you look at wxWindows on the mac, Patrick?
 +I need to make sure it doesn'​t suck on the mac. We have a real call from users to build a short terms solution for how GUI construction is suggested to be done.  Right now, I have several groups that are all building GUIs and they have all selected the wrong package, and they are mixing up their functionallity. ​ I need to be able to tell them this is the way I suggest to do it.
 +Distributed component control:
 +We don't have anything pressing here for DANSE right now, but next year we will.  Mike you can help out on other things for now.
 +MM> Distributed component control in DANSE begins the last month or so of 2006.
 +I'd like to have all of this turn into a book. I've had the wrong approach to documentation all of these years... we can have documentation first, where we have our converstaions turn into documentation -- then take that documentation turn into code.
 +Action items:
 +Lief, classify your pyre notes as feature requests, bugs, ...
 +Luis, look at psychopg
 +Patrick, play with traits on the mac
 ===== Batch System Configuration ===== ===== Batch System Configuration =====
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   [CitcomS.pbs]   [CitcomS.pbs]
   ppn = 2  ; processors per node   ppn = 2  ; processors per node
software/pythia/start.1388790739.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/01/03 23:12 by emheien