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Batch System Configuration

Instructions on configuring the CIG edition of Pythia for a batch system such as LSF or PBS.

The following examples assume you are using CitcomS. If you are using PyLith v0.8.2, replace 'CitcomS' with 'pylith3d'.

The configuration options below are suitable for inclusion in a CitcomS.cfg configuration file; for example:


Be sure to set the command option under [CitcomS.launcher] to the proper command for launching MPI jobs on your cluster. This command will vary from cluster to cluster; the commands shown here are provided only as examples.


Here are example configuration options for LSF. These were tested on TACC's Lonestar system.

scheduler = lsf

queue = normal
#queue = development

command = ibrun


Here are example configuration options for PBS. These were tested on NCSA's Itanium cluster.

You will have to set ppn to a value suitable for your cluster.

scheduler = pbs

command = mpirun -np ${nodes} -machinefile ${PBS_NODEFILE}

ppn = 2  ; processors per node
software/pythia/start.1388790739.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/03 23:12 by emheien