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Sessions will be held Monday June 20, Wednesday June 22, and Friday June 24.
Downloadable movies use a Flash related codec that may require a QuickTime plugin to play on your computer.
Times listed for each session below are for Schedule A and PDT (San Francisco) for convenience.
These tutorials are designed for users that have little or no experience with finite-element modeling tools, but have been introduced to the techniques of finite-element analysis. These tutorials will introduce users to state-of-the-art tools for finite-element modeling of crustal deformation.
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A, Schedule B)
Downloadable movies | |||
9:00am - 9:15am | Introduction and overview of tutorials (slides) | Schedule A (79 MB) | Schedule B (64 MB) |
9:15am - 10:00am | Introduction to Pylith (slides) | Schedule A (268 MB) | Schedule B (218 MB) |
10:00am - 10:30am | Introduction to CUBIT (slides) | Schedule A (108 MB) | Schedule B (128 MB) |
10:30am - 11:00am | Q&A | Schedule B (48 MB) |
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A, Schedule B)
Downloadable movies | |||
1:00pm - 1:15pm | Overview (slides) | Schedule A (48 MB) | Schedule B (42 MB) |
1:15pm - 1:45pm | Meshing | Schedule A (105 MB) | Schedule B (62 MB) |
1:45pm - 2:30pm | Step 1 | Schedule A (152 MB) | Schedule B (132 MB) |
2:30pm - 2:40pm | Step 3 | Schedule A (41 MB) | Schedule B (49 MB) |
2:40pm - 2:55pm | Step 6 | Schedule A (32 MB) | Schedule B (114 MB) |
2:55pm - 3:10pm | Q & A | Schedule A (38 MB) |
These tutorials build upon the tutorials on Mon are designed for users that have some experience with PyLith, CUBIT, and Paraview and want to brush up on their use or learn about new features.
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A audio recording problems, Schedule B)
Downloadable movies | |||
9:00am - 9:20am | Overview (slides) | Schedule A (66 MB) | Schedule B (56 MB) |
9:20am - 10:10am | Meshing | Schedule A (176 MB) | Schedule B (152 MB) |
10:10am - 10:45am | Step 1 | Schedule A (114 MB) | Schedule B (70 MB) |
10:45am - 10:55am | Step 2 | Schedule A (32 MB) | Schedule B (33 MB) |
10:55am - 11:10am | Step 3 | Schedule A (34 MB) | Schedule B (64 MB) |
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A, Schedule B)
Downloadable movies | |||
1:00pm - 1:15pm | Overview (slides) | Schedule A (65 MB) | Schedule B (75 MB) |
1:15pm - 1:30pm | Creating a surface from contours | Schedule A (40 MB) | Schedule B (43 MB) |
1:30pm - 1:45pm | Convert gridded surface (DEM) to NURBS surface | Schedule A (48 MB) | Schedule B (54 MB) |
1:45pm - 2:00pm | Convert faceted surface to NURBS surface | Schedule A (62 MB) | Schedule B (43 MB) |
2:00pm - 3:00pm | Q & A | Schedule A (261 MB) | Schedule B (235 MB) |
Additional workshop material (Simple shell script plus Python code to convert GMT coastlines to VTK format.)
This session will focus on troubleshooting problems encountered when running simulations and helping participants get started running simple simulations similar to their research problems.
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A audio recording problems, Schedule B)
Downloadable movies | |||
9:00am - 10:00am | Overview (slides) | Schedule A (248 MB) | Schedule B (163 MB) |
10:00am - 11:00am | Discussion and Q & A | Schedule A (171 MB) | Schedule B (254 MB) |
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A, Schedule B not recorded)
Downloadable movies | |||
1:00pm - 3:00pm | Q & A | Schedule A (284 MB) | not recorded |