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Prerequisties for CIG 2016 Tutorial


Please download and install virtualbox *BEFORE* the tutorial. You can download it from VirtualBox downloads

Use these directions to install VirtualBox.

We recommended that your computer have at least 20 to 30GB of free disk space and preferably 4GB of RAM in order to use the virtual machine.

Tutorial Image

During registration, you will receive a 16 GB USB drive with an OVA file called “CIG16_tutorialvm.ova.” We will use virtual box to boot up a ubuntu 14.04 linux OS.

This image contains the following packages:

  • HC
  • ObsPy
  • Rayleigh
  • SW4
  • Underworld
  • GMT
  • Paraview

Download it onto the laptop you are going to use for the tutorial.

Importing the CIG16 tutorial image

  1. Run VirtualBox.
  2. Select from the menu “Import appliance”:
  3. Select the downloaded CIG16_tutorialvm.ova image:
  4. Select Next and Import:
  5. Click on start (the green arrow) to launch the image:

Using the Image

The image contains the following users:

  • aspect_user
  • hc_user
  • obspy_user
  • rayleigh_user
  • specfem3d_user
  • sw4_user
  • underworld_user

Note that all of the users listed above are password less.

The super user is cig and the password is cig.

The image does not allow any connections from the network. sudo apt-get install <package name> to install ubuntu packages.

Now it's time to start the CIG16 virtual machine. Let it boot up, then open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type in:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dkms

and wait for it to finish.

Next, go into VirtualBox's topbar and select Devices → Insert Guest Additions CD Image…. A window may pop up asking to run the CD. Close or Cancel that window, and, back in the terminal, type:

cd /media/cig/VBOXADDITIONS_4.3.28_100309

and then

sudo sh ./

Wait for the command to complete, then poweroff and restart the virtual machine. You should now have a working connection between your computer and the CIG16 virtual machine.


VirtualBox VT-x/AMD-V Error

If, when starting the CIDER VM, you see a pop-up similar to:

VirtualBox - Error: VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration is not available on your system. Certain guests… require this feature and will fail to boot without it.
Close VM Copy Continue

Most likely, this means that you do not have hardware support for virtual machinges enabled in your BIOS (firmware on the motherboard). To enable it, you will need to edit your BIOS settings.

Starting your BIOS interface requires holding down a button while your computer starts up (i.e. if your computer is already on, you will have to restart it). Usually, while your computer is starting, there will be a prompt to press a button to enter the BIOS, though if your computer boots quickly, it may be hard to read. Some common buttons to hold down are: Esc, Del, F10, F12, and Enter. If you have trouble accessing the BIOS, try looking on your manufacturer's website for instructions.

Once you are in the BIOS settings, you should look for the virtualization setting, sometimes called Virtualization, Intel Virtual Technology, or something similar. Try looking under a Security or Advanced Options tab. If you are able to find the setting, make sure it is set to enabled. Then save & exit, and restart your computer. You should now be able to run the virtual machine with VirtualBox.

cig16.1466195420.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/17 20:30 by harsha_lv