---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case t1 t2 <V_rms> Nu_top Nu_botm <T> T_mid_min T_mid_max Velo_mid_min Velo_mid_max ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BM1A 0.7 1.0 32.67(0.00043) 3.5132(0.00018) 3.4920(3.2e-05) 0.2172(1.5e-05) 0.01750(5.3e-06) 0.8974(0.00015) -29.98(0.0051 ) 114.8(0.015 ) SHH06 32.5894 3.4864 3.4864 RSZ96 32.19 3.4423 YK04 32.05 3.4430 BM1B 1.0 1.9 27.36(0.00013) 3.2701(0.00020) 3.2502(8.8e-05) 0.2362(1.5e-05) 0.02124(7.0e-05) 0.9085(0.00062) -17.21(0.0081 ) 139.8(0.16 ) SHH06 27.2591 3.2398 3.2399 RSZ96 26.80 3.2337 BM1C 0.6 0.9 25.85(0.0012 ) 3.1739(0.00021) 3.1554(4.7e-05) 0.2433(1.5e-05) 0.02320(2.5e-05) 0.9126(0.0013 ) -15.03(0.0042 ) 147.7(0.40 ) SHH06 25.7300 3.1447 3.1450 RSZ96 25.69 3.1615 YK04 26.11 3.1330 BM1D 1.5 2.0 23.12(6.4e-05) 2.9365(5.3e-06) 2.9211(4.5e-06) 0.2654(1.4e-06) 0.03324(6.1e-06) 0.9234(0.00019) -10.75(0.0021 ) 170.0(0.11 ) BM1E 1.0 1.5 22.91(0.0034 ) 2.5472(0.00048) 2.5354(0.00039) 0.3125(1.2e-05) 0.06948(1.2e-05) 0.9459(0.00063) -6.970(0.13 ) 227.3(0.80 ) BM1F 2.6 3.6 29.24(0.077 ) 2.0421(0.0051 ) 2.0329(0.0062 ) 0.3512(0.0014 ) 0.15227(0.00033) 0.9606(0.0029 ) -21.04(1.6 ) 298.1(5.8 ) BM1G 1.2 1.7 50.21(0.0083 ) 2.7383(0.00055) 2.7431(7.7e-05) 0.5040(0.00010) 0.27008(0.00039) 0.9452(0.00093) -23.90(0.11 ) 300.2(6.3 ) BM1H 0.8 1.0 87.66(0.010 ) 3.0338(0.0021 ) 3.0681(0.0024 ) 0.5457(0.00011) 0.47030(0.00164) 0.9690(0.0014 ) -46.98(0.11 ) 806.9(18 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: 1) t1 and t2 are the starting and ending times for computing the averages, <V_rms>, Nu_top, Nu_botm, and <T> are averaged RMS velocity, nussult number at the top and bottom boundaries, and temperature, respectively. T_mid_min, T_mid_max, velo_mid_min, and velo_mid_max are the minimum and maximum temperatures, minimum and maximum velocities at the middle depth of the mantle. 2) The numbers in parentheses are standard deviations. 3) SHH06 is Stemmer et al. {2006}, RSZ96 is Ratcliff et al. {1996}, and YK04 is Yoshida and Kageyama {2004}. Resolution for these studies is given in Table 1.