Sessions will be held Monday June 24, Wednesday June 26, and Friday June 28.
This help session will be a Q&A session to help users new to PyLith, CUBIT, and ParaView get started. We will expect that you come prepared with questions.
Two sessions will be held each day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for participants in North and South America, Europe, and western Asia at
Two sessions will be held each day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for participants in eastern Asia, Australia, and New Zealand at
Downloadable movies use the H264 codec and play on most movie applications and plugins.
Times listed for each session below are for Schedule A in the PDT time zone (San Francisco) for convenience.
These tutorials are designed for users that have become familiar with PyLith, CUBIT, and ParaView from viewing the other tutorials and/or attending previous workshops. Users are expected to have at least read the PyLith manual and run some of the examples. These tutorials will review the main features of CUBIT and PyLith and introduce users to new PyLith features.
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A (incomplete), Schedule B)
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A, Schedule B)
These tutorials build upon the tutorials from Mon and are designed for users that want to use more advanced features of PyLith.
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A, Schedule B)
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A minor audio problems, Schedule B minor audio problems)
Solver parameter .cfg files discussed in this session.
These tutorials build upon the tutorials from Mon and are designed for users that want to use more advanced features of PyLith.
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A, Schedule B)
Flash movie recording of session via streaming (Schedule A, Schedule B)